Thursday, July 19, 2012

Journal Entry #1 - Bob

I don’t like school, but I don’t dislike it either.  Sometimes I do my homework, but sometimes I forget or play video games instead.  I want to do better, but I don’t know how.  I am journaling so that I can become a better student by taking more responsibility for my learning.  I created a log to check that my work is done each night and it is working.  I also like the list of “model behaviors” that you gave me at the beginning of the semester.   I wonder if I can combine the assignment log and the “model behaviors” to create a mega-checklist of how to be a better student?  More on this next post.


  1. Hi Bob, I'm Francisco. I'm an elementary educaiton major. I like that you are taking responsibility for your education. I wish more students were just like you. You shouldn't be dependent on the teacher, depend on yourself. Afterall, when it's all said and done, you have to live with you. My adivce, don't do a megalist, create a simple list and keep adding to it. Soon you will have a megalist of accomplishments that you have done on your own.

  2. Bob, I think you have a great idea. Would it help if you work from your to do list to gradually make it more long range? Think about what you would like to accomplish next week. Also, if you pair up with Jason he is really good at planning and organizing.

  3. Hi Bob,
    I think it is great that you are trying. I am studying to get a teaching credential and become a teacher. Maybe one day, I will be teaching you. Meanwhile, keep working on your list, I hope to meet you in high school.
