Thursday, July 19, 2012

Francisco: Journal Entry #2

Well still working on this journal assignment from my professor. The experienced professor of 25 years, that hasn't been in a real classroom for a while. Well, I had a conference with one of my parents asking about parenting routines and gave plenty of suggestions for the family to implement at home, and what do you know? Still no student academic progress. Goal: Build parenting partnerships - succeeded! Academic success - well they have to still work on it.


  1. You need to be more patient. Journaling takes time to work. I didn’t like doing it at first, but now I do it often and spend more time thinking about what I am writing. It is also cool to look at some of the older posts. As far as the parents of your student, they need more time to change – if they even can change. Keep trying and try and give them props if they make small changes.

  2. francisco
    can i please get this bog I am a professor in Design adn have written a book on Innovation by design pl give me the pass word so that i can use for the book as the author of the blog

    Dr B.K.Chakravarthy
    Distinguished Visiting Professor
    Ryerson University
    George Vari Engineering and
    Computing Centre
    245 Church Street Third Floor, Room ENG 337
    Toronto M5B 2K3 ON Canada,
    Office Phone :+1 416 979 5000 extn 3156
    Home phone : +1 416 568 1657
    Mobile : + 1 647 980 1056
